Five Opportunities to Exploit When Hiring an Executive Coach

Five opportunities to take advantage of when working with an executive coach.

Ron Macklin

One of the hottest growing career fields is Coaching.  It is up there with Information Technology.  With all these new coaching offers out there, does everyone need a coach? No, see my blog on “Do I Need an Executive Coach?” to determine if you would benefit from having a coach.

Here, we delve into what you can exploit when working with a coach.  Coaches are listeners, storytellers, experienced, knowledgeable, honest, and I’ll toss in humble, authentic and playful.

Opportunity #1:  Safety in your speaking 

When we buy shoes, we can try on as many as we want before we choose, and we may not choose any of them.  You can say anything to your coach -  crazy, edgy, conservative, liberal, offensive, sweet, bullshit, raw, authentic -  and your coach will listen to it all and share back how they see it connects to your stand, your goals for your business and what identity might be produced for you.  Coaches can be playful in the domains of sarcasm and humor.  The more authentic you are with your coach the more you learn all those deep buried stories about your team and yourself.  

Opportunity #2:  Coaches don’t have your habits or traditions

Your coach can notice your behaviors that you can’t notice.  You know the ones that are so embodied that you don’t notice that you are them.  Please trust me that everyone notices your habits and tradition, they are simply not going to take the risk to tell you.  Why they don’t is a topic for another blog.  You will need to be tough in order to hear what is uncomfortable to work with a competent coach.  The saying “Buckle Up Buttercup,” is applicable in how blunt coaches can be with your habits and traditions.   As a coach I have learned to not do this activity unless I am being paid, and I definitely do not do it with my spouse or family.  This is one of the highest values of working with a competent coach -  you get to see what others see and will never tell you about.  

Opportunity #3:  Coaches care about whatever you care about

It takes six months for a competent coach to fully hold what you care about or your concerns.  There will be lots of questions and speaking your concerns back to you until they hold them.  All while doing this, they will be coaching you to build your autonomy. When your coach is able to hold your concerns, many times better than you, when you drift they will be there to ask questions, offer observations and help you focus back on your concerns.   

Opportunity #4:  Coaches’ success is tied to your success

Having watched the Olympics it is clear that every performer had at least one coach, and some had many coaches for different aspects of their performance.  When a performer wins a gold medal the coaches’ identity follows the identity of the performer.  The same is true when the performer doesn’t meet expectations.  Coaches’ identity and future value is tied to the success of those he coaches.  There is a level of trust when both parties are tied to the same results.   

Opportunity #5:  Coaches produce a positive ROI

The more valuable the coach, the more they cost.  To further understand, read my blog, “the costs of having a coach.”  Expensive can be an assessment of the total price.  Return On Investment is the best way to assess the value of a coach.  What is my return on what I spend/invest?  The return on hiring a coach includes assessments of increased revenue, decreased costs, autonomy, peace, new offers, retention, creativity, mood, resilience, and fun.  Hiring a coach can produce a 150% to 500% return on investment. This is dependent on you being authentic and willing to run experiments.  

Find your certified executive coach.