The Macklin Method Workshop for Individuals

The ability to connect and build trust is not only fundamental to participating in today's marketplace - it is what makes us human. Each of us needs help. Not because there is something missing, but because humans are not meant to survive on their own. Despite growing up in a culture that told us success is dependent on our own efforts, it is actually through our ability to create meaningful connections that we can truly begin to thrive. This also includes learning how to connect with yourself. By gaining more awareness of who you are, you are better able to show up for others and create trust, while actually knowing what you want.
We invite you to learn skills and practices that are essential to working with others and finding belonging in the world.
Based on biology, the 7-part Macklin Method explains why and how humans connect — then shows the steps required to create connections. It is a model anyone can apply and see results.
This workshop is our mastery program that allows you to discover and apply The Macklin Method. Our workshop participants have reported feeling completely transformed by the workshop. By participating in the program they learn more about themselves and others and are able to make changes in how they experience life. Businesses that have had teams go through the workshop together report increases in profitability, innovation, productivity, and engagement.

In the workshop, you'll be provided a safe space to actually learn The Macklin Method. And this is accomplished by putting it into practice in your life to take care of situations that matter to you.
How does this work? What is the difference between learning about the method and learning the method?
No one learns how to do something new without trying it. You don’t learn to drive a car by reading a book – you learn by driving a car. The same is true for learning The Macklin Method. This means you will be learning about things, reflecting on them, practicing doing things and then reflecting on how that worked for you.
In the workshop, you'll have reading and self-reflective questions each week. This will allow you to evaluate where you are in life and where you want to be. Going through the reading and questions in your course portal each week will also help prepare you for your weekly group call. You, and the other 6-8 participants, will join your session leader once a week to discuss what you are experiencing as you discover and practice THE MACKLIN METHOD. You will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and get support from your session leaders on each call and throughout the program.
If you still have questions, we would love to connect with you to learn more about what you are looking for. You can sign up here to talk with one of our leaders to ask any questions you might have or find out more about setting up a workshop for your team.